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Race Relationships @ First Pres








What is the Race Task Force (RTF)?

The Race Task Force at First Presbyterian was created by the Session to address our church’s responsibility and response to the problem of racial inequality in our country and community. We have been meeting since June 2020. This is a list of some of the things we’ve been working on:


• We have been educating ourselves on racial inequality, inequity, and implicit bias by attending training, reading books and articles, and watching videos on these subjects. We have researched what other communities of faith have been doing about racial inequality as well as what other groups in Rowan County are working on. 

• We are exploring educational opportunities for the members of First Pres such as the Sunday school curriculum, offering workshops like Racial Inequity training, and holding book discussion groups.

We are looking into First Pres’ own past with slavery and racial inequality.
Also, we want to make sure you know that there is a group in our church that has
been doing this work for 5 years now. The group consists of our own Discovery
class and a class from Crown in Glory Lutheran Church. This group meets for food,
fellowship, and to discuss racial issues on a monthly basis. The Race Task Force is
hoping to encourage more groups like this in our church and community.





The mission of the Race Task Force (RTF) is to demonstrate the love and grace of Christ by

promoting anti-racism at First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury, NC. 


The RTF will strive to fulfill this mission by:

  • Exploring the biblical and theological foundations of anti-racism through the study of scripture’s story and themes.

  • Providing regular engagement opportunities in a safe space that are open to all First Pres members

  • Serving as the primary clearinghouse for all race-related and reconciliation programs and events at First Pres, including:

            *Supporting individuals and groups within First Pres as they seek to incorporate anti-racism themes into                        programming and events

            *Publicizing such programming and events within First Pres, and if applicable, in the community

            *Assisting individuals and groups with curriculum and other resources as needed

  • Acting as First Pres' central location for the collection, organization, and distribution of educational materials, resources, and other documents related to the mission of the RTF

  • Providing updates to the Session, making recommendations [as needed] to the Session, and requesting formal Session approval for activities that fall under the mission of the RTF at First Pres

  • Discernment of the presence of the Holy Spirit through personal and communal prayer. 







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