Race Relations Opportunities
Meeting Structure & How to Get Involved
Quarterly Meetings: Effective May 2021, the entire Race Task Force membership will meet together quarterly.
Contact the church office (704.636.1321 or cmowery@salisburyfirstpres.org) for Zoom Link & meeting details
Quarterly Meeting Dates:
*Thursday, May 13 at 6:00 pm - Zoom Meeting
*Sunday, August 8 at 1:00 pm - In-person
*Sunday, October 31 at 1:00 pm - In-person
Sub-Committees & Initiative Groups: There are many activities to get involved in. Some are a single event or short-term while others are more intensive. There is something for everyone!
Sub-Committees and Initiative Groups will set their own meeting schedules.
Meeting dates will be published in email and on the church website, or contact the church office.
*Education and Resources (Chair Debbie Collins, Co-Chair Karen Wenker) - collecting resources to be used by groups across the church
*Church & Local History (Chair Mike Drinkard, Co-Chair Stephen Bullock) - currently putting together church history updates
*Media Studies (Chair Beffie Cook, Co-Chair Barrie Kirby) – just hosted two Lenten book studies; currently reviewing next activity, perhaps a movie study?
*Faith-Based Training, Racial Equity Institute Training, Guest Speakers, Youth-Centered Activities are all forthcoming – if you want to help please the church office.
*Additional Ideas? We want to hear them! Please contact the church office.
Videos, articles, and other resources listed on the church website under the Race Task Force tab.