Worship, Music
& Other Services
Traditional Worship
11:00 am - Services are in the Sanctuary and are traditional style worship with sermons, prayer, and hymn music.
Contemporary Worship
8:30 in Lewis Hall - Services are in Lewis Hall in our Family Life Building and are led by our Praise Team with a sermon, prayers, and contemporary music.
Baptism enacts and seals what the Word proclaims: God’s redeeming grace offered to all people.
First Presbyterian Church recognizes that marriage is a gift from God, and therefore is to be celebrated in a service of Christian worship.
Memorial Services
In the presence of death, Christians witness to their faith that God, in Jesus Christ, has conquered death and raises His children from death to life eternal. Christians make the occasion of death a time in which to reaffirm the hope of the gospel with solemn joy.
The purpose of the Columbarium is to provide a place on the property of First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury for the permanent preservation of the cremains for church members and others as described in the Columbarium Policy.